I’m Alex - South Jersey based photographer & yoga teacher.
My purpose here is to show you the beautiful things about yourself that you cannot see. Whether I do that by capturing your beauty with my camera, or pushing you to remember your strength on the yoga mat, I’m here as a humble and grateful witness of your perfection.
Connect with me on socials!
Here’s the deal:
If you like one of these concept shoots & you and your honey would like to bring it to life, LET’S DO IT.
In exchange for your time, the photos are yours!
Van Life Journey
For the majority of my life, I spent my time doing the things that I thought I was “supposed” to do:
Go to college. Get a full time job. Get a place of my own. Achieve these things that I was told would bring me happiness.
But come to find out, happiness is not found in external achievements. It’s not found in the approval of strangers, and it’s certainly not found at a 9:00-5:00 day job (at least not for me).
All of a sudden, I had to reevaluate my path. I needed to find the things that bring me joy.
Fast forward to now. I quit my full time job in May of 2021 to become a yoga teacher and a photographer. I purchased a bus which I am currently converting into my new home. I decided that I would much rather try and fail, than not try at all. Try to find the reason that I am here. I left the mundane in search of deep fulfillment. I quit the world of “I have to” in order to enter in the realm of “I want to”.
I want to live this life intentionally & unapologetically.
I want to capture the beauty of a moment from MY perspective.
I want to show you what I see.
Follow along as I navigate this wonderful journey we get to call life.